
Smart Lighting Control Systems. That’s Bright!

Shawinigan, May 3rd, 2016 – The City of Shawinigan, Énergère and Hydro-Québec have unveiled this morning the launching of a major smart public lighting project in Shawinigan. Over the next few months, the city will convert its whole public lighting network to LED technology and will be able to remotely control every cobra heat lights of its territory. This one-of-a-kind project in Québec will allow for substantial energy savings.

« Beyond energy savings, these control systems fall within our smart city plan,” says Michel Angers, Mayor of Shawinigan. « It’s a concept that will ensure the sustainable development of our city and a constant improvement of our services to the citizens. With this project, the City of Shawinigan reinforces the use of information technologies and optimizes the management of its operations. » The conversion of the public lighting network to LED technology and the implementation of a smart control system will both be carried out at the same time. In partnership with Énergère, known for its energy efficiency expertise, this double vocation project will allow energy and maintenance savings, reaching up to $482,000 per year, and will reduce the power consumption by nearly 70%.

« The LED technology is known for its energy-efficient, high-quality lighting, long-lasting life expectancy and low environmental impact. Aside from levelling the whole lighting network, these new LED lights will improve visibility on the road and will reduce the network maintenance. Moreover, we are furthering the modernization of our lighting network by introducing a remote control system,” added the Mayor, Michel Angers.

The 6,141 cobra head lights will now be interconnected to form an integrated communication network. A computerized management system will allow a global view of the network and a remote control will facilitate the monitoring. Therefore, the city will control the lighting intensity, diagnose faults and malfunctions and take action at any time. « Besides the $370 000 contribution from Hydro-Québec’s LED conversion program, Shawinigan will benefit from a $300,000 financial support from the Technological and Commercial Demonstration government program,” indicated Benoit Trottier, Project Manager at Énergère.

For almost 20 years, under the leadership of our President, Mr. Frédéric Gaulin, Énergère has been implementing energy efficiency projects throughout Québec, and we are particularly proud to use our expertise and to cooperate with the City of Shawinigan, » said Catherine Roy-Cardin, Business Development at Énergère.  Within the framework of a guaranteed contract performance, Énergère ensures project design and implementation of new LED lighting fixtures and smart control system, in addition to maintenance for the next ten years. The Québec-based company DimOnOff will provide the smart lighting control system pieces for the whole project.

The City of Shawinigan took this opportunity to reveal the major points of the communication and awareness campaign, which will be conducted alongside the work. A microsite is accessible online to inform citizens on the work progress in the different areas of the city. « The main idea is to give a personality to the luminaires by giving them human characteristics, considering their hard work for our security! » said Catherine Roy-Cardin. « We will also set up an art contest for children who attend Day Camps and the city’s Summer Reading Club. »

« This project is the perfect opportunity to orienting young people towards smart cities and to listen to their ideas.  Indeed, this network project will allow us to extend our services to the citizens by integrating future potential applications,” concluded Michel Angers.

Download the press release | See the information sheet

image Shawinigan
From left to right, Mr. Benoit Trottier, Project Manager, Énergère; Mrs. Catherine Roy Cardin, Business Development, Énergère; Mr. Michel Angers, Mayor of Shawinigan; and Mr. Étienne St-Cyr, Development and Technical Support Manager at the Consulting and Affairs Program – Use of Energy, Hydro-Québec.

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