The energy efficiency projects we completed for major property owner Busac have brought an undeniable added value to their buildings. Here are two examples:
Project location
Place Dupuis
1200 McGill Collège
6 608 000 $
2 327 716 $
Financial support
2 911 749 $
323 909 $
Paypack period
3,25 years
Annual energy savings
1 060 000 $
92 275 $
Reduction in energy bill
28 %
13 %
GHG emissions reduction
1 334t CO2 / yr
Implemented measures
Place Dupuis
- Optimization of electromechanical systems
- Consolidation of electricity and gas meters
- Modernization of boiler room and cooling equipment
- Implementation of heat reclaimer
- Modernization of ventilation systems (VAV)
- Modernization of lighting equipment (9,000 fixtures)
- Implementation of a centralized control system (2,300 control points)
- Installation of off-peak 1.2-MW electric boilers
- Implementation of atomizing humidification system
1200 McGill Collège
- Complete modernization of chillers
- Major repair of water towers
- Correction of safety and inefficiency problems with heat recovery system
- Installation of cut-off valves on chilled-water system
- Installation of variable-speed drives on water tower pumps and restaurant hoods
- Installation of surface temperature sensors
- Addition of control points on electromechanical equipments