
April 22 Earth Day! Special mention for energy efficiency

Énergère designs and implements energy efficiency projects that allow to instill best practices in the field of energy among the building’s occupants. As part of Earth Day, activities and initiatives are taking place to celebrate our planet. Accordingly, The Commission scolaire English-Montréal and the Cégep régional de Lanaudière are taking actions between April 20-24!

English-Montreal schoolboard
Several elementary and high schools will highlight the week of Earth Day in many different ways, including those taking part in special programming related to energy efficiency. EMSB and Énergère officially announced last month the realization of an energy efficiency project involving 17 schools. As part of this project, Énergère supports the EMSB in the development of an awareness campaign on energy efficiency with the valuable collaboration of Earth Day Quebec. Several conferences and workshops will be held this week in five schools to create awareness among students in the sensible use of energy. 390 students are expected! (+)
On April 22, six elementary schools will take part in a contest where every pencil stroke will be important to grow the « The green tree ideas. » (+)

The Cégep régional de Lanaudière
As part of Earth Day and to highlight the energy efficiency project in its buildings, Cégep régional de Lanaudière holds an environmental awareness week with the warm participation of their mascot « Mr. Feuille ». The campaign will continue in May, with the collaboration of Énergère, prompting the entire college community to recycle batteries, CDs, pencils, ink cartridges and electronic products, thanks to the development of a multi-material recovery space in each building. (+)
For more information about the project, read our article: Work completed at Cégep régional de Lanaudière.

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