
Where to start to decarbonize your business?

In a world where environmental awareness is growing and regulations on CO2 emissions are being strengthened alongside individual accountability, it’s becoming essential for companies in all sectors to actively engage in the fight against climate change. Addressing decarbonization can seem complex, and it is not always easy to know where to begin. This article aims to clarify this process by detailing the essential steps to follow for a successful transition. Decarbonizing your business is an act of environmental responsibility, and also a promising forward strategy where risk management creates business opportunities and competitive advantages to gain market share. Energere is a leader in decarbonization and energy efficiency of buildings in Quebec, and can be your important ally in this essential transition.

Why decarbonize your business?

Decarbonizing businesses isn’t a luxury anymore – it’s a necessity. Beyond the direct impact on the environment, reducing your company’s CO2 emissions has numerous advantages. Economically, decarbonized companies often benefit from subsidies and tax breaks, not to mention the improvement of their brand image and the increased attractiveness for investors interested in sustainability. In Quebec, where environmental legislation is increasingly strict, taking the initiative can also avoid penalties and prepare companies for even more rigorous future regulations..

Evolution of GHG emissions and emission reduction targets for Quebec – 1990-2050 (FR only)

*Excerpt from the conference State of Energy in Quebecby the HEC Montréal Chair in Energy Sector Management

The first steps toward decarbonization

possible to identify and quantify the company’s main sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Beyond numerical data, it also defines a reference point on which to base the rest of the process.

A GHG inventory is structured around three main scopes:

  • Scope 1 concerns the company’s direct emissions, which come from sources controlled or owned by the company, such as combustion in boilers, company vehicles, etc.
  • Scope 2 covers indirect emissions related to the consumption of electricity, heat or gasses purchased and used by the company.
  • Scope 3, often the most complex, includes all other indirect emissions in the value chain, but which the company does not directly control. This may include activities related to business travel, the production of raw materials used, the transport of finished products, etc.

The commitment of managers is crucial: they need to support the initiative, and also mobilize all staff around the objective. They should put in place favourable conditions for skills development and internalization of the issues.

Energere has carried out a large number of GHG inventories and we offer tools to accurately measure emissions, as well as training to raise awareness and engage all levels of the company. Equipped with knowledge and support, companies can effectively plan their actions and begin their journey towards reducing their carbon footprint.

Key strategies for reducing GHG emissions

In order to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, one of the most effective approaches is to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. This approach often begins with reducing the overall energy consumption of structures. At Energere, we use cutting-edge technologies to modernize heating, ventilation, air conditioning and lighting systems, transforming traditional buildings into models of energy efficiency.

Note that Scope 1 and 2 often make up 50% of the footprint of buildings. So with Energere’s support in building energy efficiency, 50% of the decarbonization process is ensured and guaranteed.

For example for educational or healthcare establishments, where the safety and comfort of occupants are paramount, optimizing systems to make them more energy efficient is crucial. We adjust or replace existing installations, ensuring that each component operates at its optimal level to reduce energy costs and minimize greenhouse gas emissions.

Another fundamental aspect is maximizing energy recovery. We implement advanced systems that capture lost energy and reuse it within the same building. For example, internal energy exchange allows excess heat to be redistributed from a part of the building where it is not needed to areas that need it. This approach educes energy consumption, and also reduces dependence on fossil fuels, aligning the company’s practices with more sustainable and responsible principles.

By combining these strategies, it’s possible to achieve substantial savings while contributing to a greener future.

Surmounting the challenges of decarbonization

The challenges of decarbonizing of companies are numerous and often vary according to the company’s size and sector of activity. One of the major obstacles is the initial cost associated with implementing energy-efficient technologies. However, many people don’t realize that these costs can often be offset by subsidies and financial incentives offered by local and national governments, as well as by certain environmental programs. Lack of awareness of these aids can dissuade companies from engaging in these projects, which are actually more economical in the medium and long term.

Energere excels in the implementation of decarbonization solutions, and in navigating the maze of available subsidies. We help our clients identify the financial aids to which they are entitled, and we accompany them in the application process to maximize their chances of success. This partnership often makes it possible to transform a project initially perceived as costly into a self-financing opportunity, reducing the economic obstacles.

Besides costs, the complexity of the technologies to be integrated and resistance to change within teams are other significant challenges.

Conclusion and call to action

Decarbonizing your business is a step that helps build a more sustainable future. For property owners and managers, the time to act is now. Energere is ready to support you in this crucial transition. Contact-us to discover how our solutions can be adapted to your needs and start your journey towards decarbonization today.

Watch our carbon expert Saad El Kassab’s video to find out more about decarbonization:

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